Design and Construction
Introducing our relatively large-scale construction and technology related to construction
275kV Chita Thermal Line Refurbishment Project
The 275kV Chita Thermal Line was constructed over 50 years ago. Concerns have arisen about deterioration of both the pylons and power lines. There are also many areas where power line ground clearance is low, potentially impeding development of the surrounding land, so Chubu Electric Power Grid is moving forward with a refurbishment project to reconstruct pylons and rewire power lines.

Foundation Work

Stringing Construction

Steel Tower Assembly

Construction of New Hida Converter Station and Expansion of Higashi-Shimizu Substation Frequency Converter (FC)
If a large-scale power shutdown occurs as happened after the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake, events may arise that have a significant social impact, such as the implementation of planned power outages. In order to address such events before they happen, Chubu Electric Power Grid is proceeding with a project to construct the new Hida Converter Station (900,000 kW) by March 2021 and expand the Higashi-Shimizu Substation Frequency Converter (600,000 kW) by March 2028 as part of our efforts to augment capacity for mutual support between 50 and 60 Hz areas.
Overview of Hida Converter Station
Schematic Diagram

Single-line Diagram

Work Schedule


Schematic Diagram


275 kV Higashi-Nagoya-Toubu Line Refurbishment Project
The 275 kV Higashi-Nagoya-Toubu Line was constructed in 1967 and the time has come for the equipment to be renovated. Chubu Electric Power Grid has been moving forward with this project in steps, beginning with sectors that are highly urbanized. Phase 1 was a line sector of approximately 11 km in length in Aichi Prefecture’s Miyoshi and Toyota cities. The rebuilding of 24 pylons and rewiring of power lines to standard gauge wire was completed in May 2018. This has been followed by Phase 2, a sector of line approximately 15 km in length traversing Obu, Toyoake, Kariya, Miyoshi and Toyota cities. The work of rebuilding 40 pylons and rewiring power lines, including adjusting spans around the Higashi-Nagoya Substation, will take until June 2025.

Status of Phases 1 and 2