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Stably supplying electric power and contributing to the future of our region,
ways in which we live up to the trust our customers expect
In April 2020, Chubu Electric Power Grid Co., Inc. was established when the power transmission and distribution business was spun off from Chubu Electric Power Co., Inc.
The environment in which we operate is undergoing significant change as Japan’s birthrate declines, its society ages, and the nation’s population decreases. Spurred on by the COVID-19 pandemic, new lifestyles are taking hold and digital transformation is accelerating.
In addition, the roles that we are called upon to play have also reached a turning point. Grid connections are being expanded for renewable energies to link to transmission and distribution systems as a step toward realizing carbon neutrality by 2050. Resilience is enhanced against increasingly severe natural disasters. Various structural changes with regard to electric power demand and supply are also being addressed as they emerge in each region.
It is within this context that, in May 2021, we, Chubu Electric Power Grid, set out the “Chubu Electric Power Grid Vision,” spelling out how we will contribute to realizing a carbon-free society and the future of our region.
Chubu Electric Power Grid will leverage IoT and other cutting-edge technologies to construct environmentally-friendly, disaster-resilient electric power grids and continue to deliver inexpensive stable electric power to our customers.
We will also utilize our proprietary equipment, technologies, and data as well as collaborate with a variety of partners to launch services providing safety and security to our customers in addition to implementing other initiatives to realize the future of all our communities.
All Chubu Electric Power Grid employees will strive together to live up to the trust and meet the expectations of our society and members of our communities. We value your support and patronage, and hope that you will allow us to continue to serve you.