Stable Electric Power Supply Initiatives
Distribution Network Initiatives
Transition to a Next-Generation Network
To respond to the various changes in the flow of electricity (direction and quantity) as a result of the massive connection to renewable energy, we will assure the quality of electric power and strive for a rational formation of facilities by raising the level of grid operations through the installation of next-generation distribution facilities and the utilization of ICT and so on.
Raising the Level of the Electric Power Grid
Through new model automatic switches and new model voltage regulators equipped with smart meters and communication functions, we meticulously control voltage and power flows based on real-time data and respond to the output fluctuations of renewable energy. Additionally, by monitoring the grid status in greater detail than before, prompt recovery from power outages has become possible.

Example of Utilizing Visible Data
We will optimize facility investments by predicting future power flow through the visualization of detailed power flow from smart meters and other data and based on demand, the growth rate of renewable energy, and regional information.
Ensuring No Service Interruptions
The electricity that flows across transmission lines and through substations is delivered to customers via distribution lines.
Many power distribution lines have been installed near our customers. However, a failure at just one location can disrupt service across a broad area, so we strive to ensure that our facilities are properly maintained and managed. More specifically, we regularly patrol and service our facilities as we seek to detect the location of any abnormalities quickly. When such a site is found, we promptly set about making repairs. As Chubu Electric Power’s supply area is prone to lightning strikes, we have been proactive in advancing lightning countermeasures. We have also developed facilities with charging terminals that are less susceptible to contact with birds, snakes, or other animals. In addition, we also work to remove crow nests, which may lead to power failures.
Prompt Service Restoration

In preparation for a failure leading to service interruption, Chubu Electric Power Grid and our Group company engineers maintain a power restoration service ready to mobilize technicians 24 hours a day. We have also introduced an automated power distribution line system so that service interruptions do not lead to wide-area outages. Remote system operation makes it possible to isolate the failed sector and rapidly transmit power to sound areas.
Customer Service Operations
The power line technicians at our business offices work to provide exemplary service to our customers by appropriately conducting investigations and providing technical consultations in response to customer requests.