Consultancy Service
Consultancy Service
Chubu Electric Power Grid has been actively providing consultancy services for transmission and distribution system by utilizing our domestic experiences as an electric power utility.
Life Extension and Maintenance of Aging GIS in the Middle-Eastern Countries
In the Middle East, many substations with gas insulated switchgear (GIS) have been installed since the end of 1970s, and they currently face issues on the future maintenance and replacement of aging GIS.
We investigated actual aging GIS deterioration in targeted countries and their maintenance situation by utilizing our domestic technologies, and we proposed appropriate maintenance menu and how to plan GIS replacement.
In addition, we implemented technical seminars and invitation training programs about substation maintenance technologies for overseas engineers.

Feasibility Study on the Strengthening and Improvement of Existing Transmission Lines in Tanzania
In Tanzania, it is necessary to operate aging existing transmission lines constructed in the 1960s, and there are urgent needs to upgrade and rehabilitate aging facilities as demand grows.
After reviewing future demand and surveying aging transmission lines, we proposed the rational upgrading and rehabilitation plan that combined transmission tower replacement and conductor replacement using increased capacity conductors (High Temperature Low Sag conductors).